Film-On TV on Apple-TV


Film-On TV on Apple-TV

Film-On TV is a free tv service with tons of tv channels, these channels are available on most devices, but not on Apple-TV-4 yet,

however using the app "Stream-TV" you can enter the channel stream URL into an icon on the app and stream video directly,

there is an app named: "FilmOn Playlist Maker" that download the full channels list as an M3U8 file, this file can be inserted into the setting screen of the "Stream-TV" app and the channels will be available on the "Channels Browser",

link to download the app:

the next following link contains an M3U8 file with all free FilmOn channels in M3U8 format, which you can use in the Stream-TV to watch all the working channels with logos and channel names, in order to enjoy this you only need to:

Option 1 - using the Apple TV keyboard:

  1. open the "Stream-TV" App on the Apple TV 4
  2. goto the "Settings" screen
  3. select the textfield "TV Channels ExtInf Provider URL"
  4. using the virtual keyboard write the following link:
  6. then press the button "Download Channels List"
Option 2 - easy one - using Remote App on iPhone / iPad:

  1. open the "Stream-TV" App on the Apple TV 4
  2. goto the "Settings" screen
  3. on your iPhone or iPad copy the following link:
  5. from your iPhone/ipad open the Apple "Remote" app
  6. choose your apple tv device
  7. select the textfield "TV Channels ExtInf Provider URL"
  8. paste the link you previously copied 
  9. then press the button "Download Channels List"
and thats it! goto the TV screen, slide from the leftmost icon in one of the rows and you will see all the channels available and live, enjoy.

link to the m3u8 files:

here are some screenshots to help you out:

use the support forum on the sidebar in order to report a bug or ask for a feature,

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  1. Hi, I can't get any of the UK tv channels to work? I get them in the channel list but they dont play (a small red stop sign comes up in the bottom left). Thanks.

  2. Didn't work for me and followed instructions to the letter

  3. You are very nice tutorial, visit my blog

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